Mainly eating, the outdoors, travelling, working out, spending time with the hubster, meeting new people, and the world in general.
I grew up in Michigan, but have spent the last 10 years living all over the western half of the United States. My husband, whom I met in college, is the funniest, most patient and unselfish guy I've ever met. I graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 2008 with a B.S. in Political Science and a minor in Mandarin Chinese, and I finished my M.S.A in International Administration from Central Michigan University in 2011. I was an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Combat Crew Commander for the US Air Force for four years before something happened that changed the course of my life.
I got pregnant (yeah, I was huge).
The impending birth of my son forced me to seriously contemplate an idea I had tossed around for some time after college: was I going to press on with the career track or give motherhood my whole attention? In the end I chose the latter and have been happily mothering ever since. I keep my brain buzzing through online tutoring (High School English and Essay Writing, as well as Elementary Math and Social Studies), and freelance writing.
I've always been a dreamer, motivated and ambitious, and the decision to leave the workforce has shown me that it's possible (and in many ways, for me, preferable) to find fulfillment and purpose outside of an office.
Along with my family, my faith is unbelievably important to me; I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
This blog is a product of my interests, loves, questions and curiosities. Please feel free and welcome to share your opinions and exchange your thoughts and ideas; I'd love to hear from you!
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